Nocturnal Animals

The last film that I saw was Nocturnal Animals with my father. A good friend of mine recommended me this movie time ago and I never got the opportunity to see it, but I can say that is a really good film!
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Nocturnal Animals is a thriller about love and revenge. The story starts when the un-happy artist Susan (Amy Adams) receives a novel written by his ex-husband, Edward (Jake Gyllenhaal). As the film goes by, we can see that Susan gets really involved with the violent novel and she starts to remember her relationship with Edward. If you want to know what happen then you have to see it!

This film directed by Tom Ford takes place in the “real world” and in the novel, so for me it’s well-told story. Also, it keeps you so involve with the story and despite that it’s long, you’ll never get bored.

My favorite character was the one from the novel, Tony, that is played by Jake Gyllenhaal, who is one of my favorite actors <3. My favorite scene is one at the end, where he finds the bad guy (just going to say that because I don’t want to spoil).

I truly recommend this movie, because it’s so catchy and it is a well-told story.


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